Sally Roth


Principal Site Reliability Engineer (11/2022 to present)

Developing highly available infrastructure as code for GoDaddy's SMTP API Platform. Utilizing a wide variety of AWS and on-prem infrastructure components including Fargate, Kinesis, and GitHub Actions. Enabling and contributing to secure, observable, well-architected application stack including Rails, NodeJS and MySQL.


Staff Technical Operations Engineer (09/2019 to 11/2022)

Leading design, deployment, and maintenance for a diverse AWS/GCP observability toolset including Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki using Go, Bash, Python, Salt and Kubernetes. Consulting and educating developers on instrumentation of observable and maintainable systems. Leading consolidation, deployment and administration of all SAAS observability tools including Grafana Cloud, Cloudwatch, Datadog, Sumologic. Led RBAC Design refactor for all customer facing infrastructure involving a large legacy Terraform, Vault, LDAP, and OKTA deployment. Escalation point for diagnosing and preventing service interruption over most mission-critical services as part of the SRE on-call rotation.

Oracle Corporation

Site Reliability Engineer (05/2017 to 09/2019)

Using Python, Chef, Ruby and Shell on CentOS to build a wide range of highly available and scalable developer tools and provisioning infrastructure on the Oracle Data Cloud. Building a PAAS using technologies including Prometheus, ELK and GitLab. Working with teams of developers in PAAS deployment for their own systems. Diagnosing and preventing service interruption on tens of thousands of nodes over a wide range services as part of the infrastructure team.


Production Engineer (06/2016 to 05/2017)

Using Salt, Terraform, Python, Slack, and Jenkins on Ubuntu to build highly available and scalable CI/CD server and MongoDB database infrastructure on AWS and Azure. Constructing fast, reliable tools for monitoring and availability utilizing Datadog and Kibana. Diagnosing and preventing service interruption as part of the infrastructure team.

GoDaddy, LLC

Systems Engineer (02/2015 - 06/2016)

Designed and built a chatops driven CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, Slack, Capistrano, Rails, and Hubot on CentOS for the launch of a new Email Marketing product at GoDaddy. Puppetized the server infrastructure for launch as well as maintained uptime on the product. Designed and built a staged CI/CD pipeline for delivery of configuration management code and log reporting using Jenkins, Shell, Puppet, Python, and Elasticsearch for over 4000 diverse, legacy MySQL instances. Advised and collaborated on the puppetization to normalize server configuration in those instances.

GitHub, Inc.

Mail Guru (10/2013 - 12/2014)

Built scalable, highly available, secure and flexible infrastructure as part of the Operations team using knowledge of Puppet, RoR, Shell, and Ubuntu. Worked closely with developer teams as well as independently to deliver email infrastructure for multiple applications using PMTA, Postfix, and Email RFC knowledge. Collaborated with a wide variety of teams to deliver an email solution that met their particular needs, including sales, marketing, and training using both internal infrastructure and a number of external Email Service Providers. Communicated with customers to diagnose problems interacting with GitHub via email, using Splunk, internal investigative tools, and Ubuntu server administration knowledge.

Mad Mimi, LLC

Chief of Email Infrastructure & Delivery (11/2009 - 10/2013)

Designed anti-abuse tools and strategies and managed a team of two anti-abuse specialists. Managed and optimized Rails, PMTA, and Postfix for bulk email delivery. Built analysis tools in Rails for the anti-abuse and customer support team. Worked with customers and ISPs to coordinate responsible bulk email sending practices.


Walla Walla University - B.S.E., Electrical Engineering concentration, Minor in Mathematics (‘09)
